Friday 17 October 2014

Here we go!

Welcome!  My first purpose for starting a blog is to help and encourage others who might be in the same situation as me.  I want to share my journey with you and inspire you to do the same.  

If you read the "About Me" section, you will see that I had lapband surgery in 2008.  I never lost any weight with the band.  I did not understand it, all that I knew is that it didn't work for me.  Since I was desperate to lose weight, I started taking prescription diet pills, because that is the only thing that ever worked for me in the past.  

I lost weight with the diet pills, but I always needed a quick fix solution and did not think about long-term success.  Of course I gained the weight back, and then some.  It was not until this year, after soo many years of abusing diet pills, that my body finally rejected them and I started getting some pretty serious side-effects that I could not ignore.  I had to stop the diet pills.  

What could I do without the diet pills?  I thought of every other solution I could possibly muster, I even started looking at other weight loss surgery ideas and options, but then I started reading some posts from other lapbanders about what they were doing and what they had learned.  I also read one post that directed me to watch a video called The Eight Golden Rules of the lapband  where I learned concepts about the band that I had not known before.  

Since I don't have heaps of money to spend on another surgery, nor the desire to go under the knife again or cut anything out of me, I've decided to give the lapband another try.  It may be hard, but not impossible.  I cannot expect any weight loss surgery to work for me if I don't first change my mindset.  If I fail with the band because of bad habits and eating around it, then I am likely to fail with another surgery as well.  I have to learn to break old habits and work through any mental roadblocks.  

I also have to think about permanent change and long-term success.  Thus, begins my journey.  Please follow me, as I would love nothing more than to be someone who was a failure with the lapband for six years who transformed her mind to have success with the band, and inspire others to do so as well.  


  1. Wow, this exactly what I am going through right now. I can't wait to read your journey and hopefully follow along on my own. I got the band 2 years ago and never did my part, so I never lost anything. I wanted to turn to pills, then I realized that I never really used my tool in the first place. Its almost embarrassing to admit that. I am so excited that I have found someone with a very niche issue like mine. Thank you for being brave and starting your blog. You have a follower for sure :)

    1. Julia, thank you so much for your response! It gives me so much encouragement! I wasn't sure about starting my own blog as I've never done anything like this before, but I really wanted to give others hope who have not been successful with the band. I have been learning so much and want to share it with others. It's not too late to use the tool properly! I made every mistake possible, and now I am excited to share what I have been learning. Thanks so much for following me :) I really appreciate the support and love to be an encouragement. Would love to have you join me on this journey as well - it's not too late to start again! The best thing about the band is that it is the ONLY weight loss surgery that is adjustable! Check out my next article on that very topic, and thanks again for your message :)

  2. I am going to be banded in about 6 weeks time. I'm reading so many blogs, the good, the bad and the ugly. I have a lot of hope for it and I wish you all the very best of luck. I have a blog myself to help me on my journey so please feel free to have a look.

    1. Miss Meg - thank you so much for your message! It gives me encouragement to know that others are reading it. It's great to hear that you are going to be banded soon - it is the best decision I've ever made! Amazing that I can say that after not being successful, but the reason for that is that my mindset wasn't right. You have to overcome emotional eating, and you have to follow the plan given to you and not try to eat around the band like I did. I have not been an overly structured person so I am learning to get better with that now and learning to do my part to plan my meals and ensure I get the right amount of protein, in order to give myself the best chance at success. I am now learning to use my band the proper way. Be sure to get as much support as you can and keep educating yourself. I will check out your blog as well. Thanks for your support! :)

  3. I wanted to say, BEFORE I read a single word of your blog, that the concept of you working your band for the first time 6 years after surgery gives me such hope and encouragement! How brave to never give up and give it a fresh approach. So happy to dive in and read about your journey! (thanks, Lapband Gal for letting us know!)

    1. Thank you so much Tina! I appreciate you taking the time to post and appreciate your encouraging words! I really want to have success and be able to help others. I can't believe I am actually using my tool for the first time! I've overcome a lot of mental challenges and sorting out a lot along the way to make the band work. I would love to share what I am learning with you. Thanks for following my blog! Much appreciated :) :)
